Otras Preguntas
Estacionamiento y Multa
Precios y Promociones
- How can I access my invoices?
- Is ir true that if i bring a friend we both get 15 euros for free?
- Are there any additional charges?
- How and when do i pay?
- When do the minutes start counting?
- How much does it cost to use Cooltra?
Sobre la conducción
- How do i use a free minutes bonus?
- What do i do if my session is not closed?
- What do I do with the vehicle once my ride is over?
- Can I stop for a while during the ride?
- Can I ride if there are traffic restrictions due to pollution?
- Can i drive wherever i want?
Preguntas frecuentes
- How do i unregister?
- How long does it take to activate my account?
- How do i register for Cooltra?
- Who can use Cooltra?
- How does Cooltra work?
- Is there Cooltra in my city?